雪 夜 ストーリー – 第1話

雪 夜 ストーリー – 第1話
タイトル: 雪 夜 ストーリー
発売日:March 17, 2004
シリーズ: Snow Night Stories
English title: Snow Night Stories Episode 1

Yukiyo Ichiya Monogatari: This three episode hentai centers around three love stories.

Episode 1: Thief

In a village in a faraway land, there lived a couple whose ages were very far apart. While working hard in the fields, they looked happy together, but the wife was troubled. Her husband always “finished” too quickly, leaving her unhappy and unsatisfied.

One night, when her husband was out of town, a thief suddenly appeared at their house. How can she possibly protect herself from the intruder?

Date: March 7, 2024

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