ぴあ にんじん e ようこそ!! – 第2話

ぴあ にんじん e ようこそ!! – 第2話
タイトル: ぴあ にんじん e ようこそ!!
発売日:January 22, 1998
シリーズ: Pia Carrot E Youkoso
English title: Pia Carrot e Youkoso!! Episode 2

The Pia Carrot restaurant is famous for its good food and cute waitresses. Yusuke gets forced into working at Pia Carrot for the summer, and it’ll be a summer he’ll never forget. One boy working with four delicious young girls adds up to a menu full of romantic entanglements and service with more than just a smile!

Date: March 7, 2024

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