見る で あお – 第1話

見る で あお – 第1話
タイトル: 見る で あお
発売日:July 25, 2001
シリーズ: See In Ao
English title: See In AO Episode 1

Based on a game by Alice Soft.

Episode 1: Kyouya is a teacher to Andrude Ocean School, which is also a large ocean city. Kyouya saved Kisaragi Miyu three years ago. Since then, she has had a secret yearning to him. Her twin sister, Yumi, an android made by their dead parents is helping Miyu fulfill her love, but her thought is wavering between Kyouya and her sister, since Miyu’s memories are implanted in her…

Episode 2: Another story that focuses on Kyouya but with Yui, the little sister of Masumi, who were Kyouya’s first love.

Date: March 7, 2024

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