少女 教育 – 第1話

少女 教育 – 第1話
タイトル: 少女 教育
発売日:April 30, 2015
シリーズ: Shoujo Kyouiku
English title: Shoujo Kyouiku Episode 1

Love and romance eluded the life of Youichi Shiraishi through his teenage years and his twenties. Throwing himself fully into his career as a teacher limited his opportunities for much else in life. Now in his thirties, love has finally entered his world thanks to one of his students, Sae Inagaki. Smart, athletic, and devoted, Sae’s initial proposition to cook for Youichi quickly transitioned into her declaring her love and affection for him. Though their positions as teacher and student make their love forbidden, Youichi is determined to teach his student and now girlfriend a great deal about human sexuality.

The second episode features Youichi in a different setting of Shoujo Kyouiku, this time with the young photography student, Asami Hinada. All those years of longing for love helped foster a great deal of sexual kinks within Youichi. Will Asami be able to embrace him despite them? Or perhaps she’ll love him because of them?

Date: March 7, 2024

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