シンジン 旅行 導体 リナ – 第1話

シンジン 旅行 導体 リナ – 第1話
タイトル: シンジン 旅行 導体 リナ
発売日:October 24, 2004
English title: Shinjin Tour Conductor Rina Episode 1

Rina was working for a travel agency where she was in charge of the “Onihime-mairi” tour. She would be showing Matsusawa village, famous for its spiritual legends. Horror loving couples and groups would participate in a spooky day, and it seemed to be a fresh start for Rina. However, this tour was planned by the tour participants. In a lonely village in the mountains, the girls would be taken to new heights by the sexual desires of the men in their group. Little did she know the spirits were controlling all of them.

Date: March 7, 2024

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