すね 天使 – 第3話

すね 天使 – 第3話
タイトル: すね 天使
発売日:June 29, 1995
シリーズ: Shin Angel
English title: Shin Angel Episode 3

Shizuka only had a week before her family had to move. It was a difficult time for her, yet in that week she met a boy named Kosuke who befriended her. Twelve years later, the 17 year old Shizuka returns to Tokyo in order to find Kosuke.

What she find is that Kosuke is now a terrible lecher. But still, she holds out hope that he can solidify the flashes of decency that he shows (when he isn’t getting it on with other girls in a variety of bizarre and comical situations), and commit himself to her.

Date: March 7, 2024

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